AKC Pet Disaster Relief Rolls Out Help
for Pets in Baltimore County, MD

Local AKC dog clubs and AKC Pet Disaster Relief, a national program spearheaded by AKC Reunite that is dedicated to keeping pets and their owners safe in the aftermath of tornadoes, floods, wildfires and other natural or civil disasters, donated a life-saving pet disaster relief trailer to officials at the Baltimore County Department of Health Animal Services Division.

AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailers help to create a safe, temporary home-base for at least 65 pets immediately after a disaster is declared. The trailers house and deliver essential supplies such as fans, lighting and generators; cleaning supplies; maintenance items; and animal care items including crates and carries, AKC Reunite microchips and an AKC Reunite universal microchip scanner as well as bowls, collars and leashes. These supplies can be used as co-location shelters, where people can evacuate with their pets, as well as emergency animal shelters for displaced animals.

The purchase of the trailer was made possible by $22,000 in donations and grants from the Baltimore County Kennel Club, English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association and AKC Reunite, the nation’s largest non-profit pet identification and recovery service.

Individuals, corporations and other interested parties can donate to trailer projects in local areas or across the country. Donations are tax deductible and accepted online. Approved organizations that raise a minimum of $1,000 will have their logo featured on the AKC Pet Disaster Relief trailer.

Learn more about how to get involved online with AKC Pet Disaster Relief or contact us at 919-816-3980 and relief@akcreunite.org.