7 Tips to Keep Kitty Safe

Halloween is a fun-filled, spooky tradition, but make sure your holiday is filled with more treats than tricks for your cats! Follow these safety tips and be sure to share them with friends, family, and neighbors so everyone has a safe and fun holiday!

  • Strongly consider confining cats (even your outdoor cats) to a room in the house during trick or treating hours and Halloween parties. Confining your cat to a room with access to food, water and a litter box can ensure that your cat doesn’t slip out the front door and get lost. People in costumes, and the continual chime of the doorbell can be very frightening, confusing and disorienting to your cat.
  • If you decide not to confine your cat, be sure that she wears a reflective collar and updated tags to ensure that if she does get lost, she can easily be returned to you. If your cat is not microchipped, strongly consider getting her microchipped as soon as possible.
  • Also recognize that while Halloween is a fun and harmless holiday for most of us, some people behave in a sinister manner and could pose a threat to your outdoor cat. So again, please consider bringing them inside and having a catnip party instead. If you can’t bring them inside, for whatever reason, please try to keep an extra watchful eye on them to ensure their safety.
  • Never force your cat to wear a costume as it can cause a great deal of undue stress. Avoid dressing your cat in a costume unless you know that your cat LOVES it (and some cats actually do). Be sure that it fits appropriately and does not interfere with their senses — sight, sound, smell, or taste — by not covering the cat’s ears, eyes, nose or mouth. And be sure that the costume is safe and your pet can move freely.
  • Instead of dressing your cat in a costume, consider celebrating with a cat-themed craft project, like making a Halloween cat toy for your beloved kitty or decorating a pumpkin to look like a cat!
  • Keep candy and especially chocolate away from your cat (and dog). Chocolate is lethal to pets. Most of the other traditional Halloween decorations, like pumpkins and corn, are generally not toxic to cats, but ingesting them can cause some gastrointestinal distress.
  • If you are planning on lighting up your pumpkins, choose flameless candles to do so. Cats are curious by nature and a jack-o-lantern with a flame can lead to disaster.

Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone!


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February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

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February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

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