Brought to you by Pet Poison Helpline & AKC Reunite

Tailgating brings with it the excitement of game days and outdoor feasts. As you gear up for fun-filled gatherings, it’s important to remember that some tailgate food and drinks can pose serious risks to our four-legged companions!


Rich, fatty foods like grilled meats and greasy snacks might be tempting to share, but they can trigger pancreatitis in pets. This painful condition can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, and severe discomfort. Death has occurred in severely affected animals as well.  Stick to pet-friendly treats and avoid those high-fat indulgences.


While you enjoy refreshing drinks, it’s essential to steer clear of sharing alcohol with your pets. Even small amounts can lead to intoxication, causing disorientation, low blood glucose, and breathing difficulties. Keep drinks unattended and out of their reach to prevent any mishaps.


With autumn comes a variety of fruits, but grapes and raisins should never make their way into your pets’ stomach. These seemingly harmless snacks can lead to kidney failure, a life-threatening condition that’s best avoided altogether.


While tossing a chicken wing to your pup might seem harmless, cooked bones can splinter and cause choking hazards or digestive tract injuries. Be cautious about handing out bones, and opt for safer treats instead.


Spices like onions, garlic, and certain herbs can be toxic to pets, leading to digestive upset and even damage to their red blood cells. Keep dishes plain and simple when sharing with your furry companions.


As you indulge in chocolate treats, remember that chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs. Theobromine and caffeine, naturally present in chocolate, can lead to symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, and even seizures. So, stash your chocolate goodies out of your pets’ reach.



As you reach for sugar-free snacks, be cautious of products containing xylitol, a sugar substitute. This sweetener is highly toxic to dogs and can lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar levels, seizures, and even liver failure.


Dispose of your tailgate trash securely, as leftover food, bones, and wrappers can all be enticing to curious pets. These items can lead to choking hazards, digestive issues, toxins from moldy foods, and often require emergency veterinary care.

Tailgate parties are all about fun and enjoyment, but ensuring the safety of our furry companions is of utmost importance. By being aware of the potential dangers that tailgate food and drinks can pose to our cats and dogs, we can take proactive steps to prevent accidents or health issues. Keep their treats separate, offer pet-friendly snacks, and ensure drinks and leftovers are out of their reach. With vigilance, we can create a tailgating experience that’s enjoyable for everyone – humans and pets alike!

PPH Offer

Pet Poison Helpline is a 24/7 animal poison control service available for pet owners and veterinary professionals who require assistance with treating a potentially poisoned pet. Pet Poison Helpline has the ability to help every poisoned pet, with all types of poisonings. Normally $85 per incident, with AKC Reunite you can plan ahead and subscribe your pet to this life-saving service for only $15 for the lifetime of your pet.

Should your pet ingest something potentially poisonous, contact AKC Reunite at 800-252-7894 and we will verify your membership and connect you to a toxicology expert to help you and your pet FAST.